Sunday, January 5, 2014

كلمات مترجمة

الإنصاف راحة
There is comfort in being fair
والإلحاح وقاحة
There is rudeness in persistence
والشح مشنعة
Greed is an awful deed
والتواني مضيعة
Procrastination is wasteful
والصحة بضاعة
Good health is a great wealth
والرياء محقرة
Hypocrisy is demeaning
والبخل ذل
Stinginess breads contempt
والسخاء قربة
Generosity brings you closer to others
والعجب هلاك
Vainglory is doom

1 comment:

  1. Very informative article, Which you have shared here about the Arabic word translation. Your article is very useful for those who are interested to Learn arabic online. I am thankful to you for sharing this post here.


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